Not For Lazy MomsWe Want It All.We Do It All.

What mom is lazy? Being a mother is one of the most challenging, yet fulfilling jobs you can ever experience. It requires wearing several hats and using several hands to multitask and get the jobs done.

Not for Lazy Moms is a community for new generation moms who want it all and do it all. We strive to be the best versions of ourselves - in our parenting, relationships, careers, and self-care. This is a site for everyone!

From The Confessions Wall


Confession: Bathroom Tears

Submitted by: Allegre

Columbia, SC

My daughter was diagnosed with leukemia in April. I can't let my emotions get the best of me until everyone is asleep. I then go in the bathroom and cry my eyes out.


Confession: Terrified Baby

Submitted by: Anonymous

Hyattsville, MD

I am terrified to have a new baby. That’s my confession. I’m just scared. I’m attempting to finish school and be a provider but I feel like I’m not doing a good job. I’m scared of failing.