Mommy just wants to eat her food in peace. That's all.
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The Confessions Wall
Confession: Sorry We’re Closed
Submitted by: Steph
Long Beach, CA
Sometimes My daughter wants Starbucks (A cake pop) and it’s open but I tell her it’s closed even tho people are in line lol
Confession: From the Tap
Submitted by: Ty
Jacksonville, AR
I am feeling a bit victorious this evening. I am a mom of 2 girls, a 5 year old and a 6 week old. When my 6 week old was born, the doctor’s advised to supplement with formula. She had apparently lost 14% of her body weight from birth at only 3 days old. After I supplemented with formula, my baby stopped latching and wouldn’t breastfeed. I was heartbroken that I had to give her bottles only. That’s all she would take. I have been trying to get her to latch again. It has been a rough journey, but after 5 weeks of latching here and there, TODAY she strictly ate from the tap. No bottles!! Ugh I feel so great that I can give my baby the best.
Confession: Tablet Repeat
Submitted by: Kiera
San Antonio, TX
I listened to word party for months and was finally happy my Almost two year old has moved on to cocomelon ... but now she is playing moana song over and over on her tablet. Sometimes I let the tablet die on purpose!
Confession: Grandma’s Nap Time
Submitted by: Vanessa
San Antonio, TX
When my granddaughter wants to play I tell her it’s nap time for me because I don’t really want to. #imalazygrandma
Confession: Terrified Baby
Submitted by: Anonymous
Hyattsville, MD
I am terrified to have a new baby. That’s my confession. I’m just scared. I’m attempting to finish school and be a provider but I feel like I’m not doing a good job. I’m scared of failing.
Confession: Sleeping Alexa
Submitted by: Jeanette
Buffalo, NY
I tell my 2 year old son that "Alexa" is sleeping or taking a nap at least twice a day! I can only hear wheels on the bus trolls and old McDonald had a farm so many times in a row lol!
Confession: Bathroom Break
Submitted by: Erica
I am a mom who wants to do it all. I have a husband and 4 kids. My kids are extremely active and I do it all. I wake up in the morning, get my kids up and my littlest still needs help getting ready for school. I get them started and then drive my little to school. After that I start my full time job. I take my lunch hour to pick up my little from school, I then come back and complete my work day. I get my husband lunch ready, cook dinner, and then become a taxi driver to different sports events. I am so exhausted sometimes I sit in the bathroom just to take a break.
Confession: Downtime
Submitted by: Kieria
Houston, TX
I'm a mother of 3 all under 4 and expecting a fourth. I've been super mom the past 5 years but now my husband is finally in a position to work and let me stay home. And some day, I won't lie, I just sit around and the kids run the house. I feel sometimes I can take a mental break even if that means the house gets dirty. Especially now being pregnant and my youngest is 5 months. I'm drained. But I feel like downtime is ok. Anyone else feel this way and doesn't feel guilty about it?
Confession: Making A Home
Submitted by: Anonymous
Cleveland, OH
Sometimes I feel like a failure. I work 40 hours a week, and I spend much needed time with my son but unfortunately I just feel like I’m failing him because I don’t have a lot of things for him to really call our house a home. We have a home but we literally have no furniture besides a tiny “card table” and the beds in both of our rooms. it seems no matter how much my checks are there’s always bills bills bills and I can’t seem to save for anything because bills are never ending. I guess my confession is I wish I wasn’t failing in the area of giving my son a HOME HOME. My biggest wish for the year 2020 is to make that come true so I’m working towards it‼️ Wish me luck guys! Peace , Love & Light
Confession: Bathroom Tears
Submitted by: Allegre
Columbia, SC
My daughter was diagnosed with leukemia in April. I can't let my emotions get the best of me until everyone is asleep. I then go in the bathroom and cry my eyes out.
Confession: Mommy Guilt
Submitted by: Patty
Howell, MI
I have mommy guilt about being a working mom, no ambition to clean house, no ambition to cook (also not good at it). No ambition to play after work.
Confession: No Mom Sundays
Submitted by: Nicole
Frederick, MD
I tell my husband and 8 year old son that they do NOT have a mommy or wife on Sunday nights because I watch all my TV shows. They are highly offended and I don’t care.
Confession: Toddler Problem
Submitted by: Karina
Philadelphia, PA
Sometimes my toddler is my biggest problem...tell u what, I am a lazy mom
Confession: Moving On
Submitted by: Carmen
Woodland Hills, CA
The biggest fear I have is that I will never find love, peace or happiness in my life. My mind is constantly going in circles. After a year and a half of being divorced the hurt is still very much there, I feel like I've failed myself and my children. I find myself constantly checking up on my ex husband and seeing how he's moved on, and it makes me feel inadequate knowing I've yet to do the same
Confession: PTA Hour
Submitted by: April G
Monrovia, MD
I make up fake PTA meetings and then go to happy hour with my friends.