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Confession: Downtime

Submitted by: Kieria

Houston, TX

I'm a mother of 3 all under 4 and expecting a fourth. I've been super mom the past 5 years but now my husband is finally in a position to work and let me stay home. And some day, I won't lie, I just sit around and the kids run the house. I feel sometimes I can take a mental break even if that means the house gets dirty. Especially now being pregnant and my youngest is 5 months. I'm drained. But I feel like downtime is ok. Anyone else feel this way and doesn't feel guilty about it?


Confession: Bathroom Tears

Submitted by: Allegre

Columbia, SC

My daughter was diagnosed with leukemia in April. I can't let my emotions get the best of me until everyone is asleep. I then go in the bathroom and cry my eyes out.