We asked 10 Mom’s where they shop for their baby. Survey says…
Image Source: Instagram @coco_pinkprincess | Instagram @black_kids_haven | Instagram @__twolittlebrowngirls
Kids grow very quickly. Look at how baby clothing is sized right from birth; 0-3 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months and so on. Every three months you’re bagging up clothes they can no longer fit. I’m all for spending on designer items that will become keepsakes but I learned early on that it’s more economical to shop like a baby on a budget for my daughter. And there are great stores that offer fashionable and quality clothing at a low cost.
I asked 10 Mom’s their top places to shop for kids and why:

1. Amazon Kids
Image Source: Instagram @karissakayabbott

2. H&M Kids
Image Source: Instagram @_callmesparkle

3. PatPat
Image Source: Facebook @bbeaimages

4. Target
Image Source: Instagram @_4theloveofboys_

5. Zara Kids
Image Source: Instagram @pepper.pics

6. Gap Kids
Image Source: Instagram @stellaandblaise
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