Use Lavender & Tea Tree essential oils to alleviate pink eye or other eye irritations
- 1 drop Lavender
- 1 drop Tea Tree
- Carrier Oil: Dilute essential oils in 1 tablespoon of a carrier oil (Olive Oil, Coconut Oil,
Almond Oil, etc). Add more carrier oil for sensitive skin
Wash face with warm water. With clean hands, apply a finger amount of the mix and rub on the bone around the eyes, around the eyebrows, and down the bridge of your nose. Be sure not to get too close to the eyes as you don’t want the oils to go directly into the eyes. Repeat every hour as necessary or when you feel irritation.
(This mix uses therapeutic grade essential oils)
If this is for your child, be sure to always test on yourself first before applying to them. NEVER put essential oils directly into the eyes. Always use therapeutic grade essential oils when using topically.
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