No need to be shocked when you see a “hands on” dad! Fathers will get the respect they deserve today!
The role of the mother has evolved over the years. From caretaker to CEO, to an all-around superhero who manages to get every single item checked off the to-do list during the baby’s 2-hour nap! You’re probably exhausted just reading that sentence! So why isn’t the role of the father being acknowledged in the same manner? Why is it that when a dad is carrying the diaper bag, or seen pushing a stroller- people do a double-take? “Wow, an involved dad? You must train him well!” Or “Wait, you have full custody of your child?” Insert eye-roll here. Let’s give fathers the props they deserve!
Here’s to all the Not For Lazy Dads. The Dads who break down the “bread-winner, disengaged role” barrier. To the dads who are always there; we see you. The dads who change diapers, do dishes, give cuddles, kiss the boo boos, teach right from wrong, and give their all no matter how exhausted they are. Whether these dads are married, co-parenting, single-parenting, or trying to define what exactly they are doing, they still manage to get it all done.
At the end of the day, after the bedtime stories, dads deserve a big glass of wine (or scotch) just as much as the moms do. These dads deserve to hide in the bathroom so they can scroll through twitter or instagram, and they deserve to hear the words, “thank you for always being there.” Let’s not forget to show our appreciation and gratitude. In the end, they are making sure our little ones know what being an engaged parent means. They are teaching our sons how to be strong attentive fathers and teaching our daughters how a man should behave. So to the Not For Lazy Moms out there, the next time daddy doesn’t parent the way you do, pause for a second and just say “Thank you for being a Not For Lazy Dad!”
Enjoy the third Episode of our Not For Lazy Moms Podcast – dedicated to all the Not For Lazy Dads!
Tips on Co-Parenting
- Have open communication with your partner. Make sure your routines and schedules align so everything remains as consistent as possible for the child.
- Therapy is highly recommended when it comes to navigating what co-parenting looks like. It’s incredibly helpful to have a third party involved who is not a friend or family.
- Define boundaries so that everything remains amicable and the only priority is that the child’s needs are met.
Tips to show appreciation to the not For Lazy Dads in your life
- Say THANK YOU. Those two words can go a long way.
- Treat your NFLD to something he loves as a way to show your appreciation. Doesn’t have to be big- could be a hot cup of coffee!
- Make sure there’s balance in the house and everything isn’t falling on one parent.
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